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The Central World

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Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Travel; Tourism; Hotels; Resorts; Seaside Resorts—Fiction; Passports;
Other Details
Printed : 25/7/1868
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume XX
Magazine : No. 483
Office Book Notes
Views : 1283

Based upon Bruce's Voyage to Naples, and Journey up Mount Vesuvius: giving an account of the strange disaster which happened on his arrival at the summit: the discovery of the central world; with the laws, customs, and manners of that nation, described; their swift and peculiar mode of travelling; the wonderful riches, virtue, and knowledge the inhabitants possess; the author's travels in that country; and the friendly reception he met with from its sovereign and his people (London: Printed and sold by S. Fisher, 1802).

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