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The Beguilement in the Boats [The Supercargo's Story]

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Author Percy Hetherington Fitzgerald
Genre Prose: Occasional (Christmas Story; article in Christmas or New Year Number, &c) i
Subjects Christmas; New Year; Holidays and Seasonal Celebrations
Crime; Criminals; Punishment; Capital Punishment; Prisons; Penal Transportation; Penal Colonies
Myth; Legends; Epic Literature; Fables; Allegory; Folklore
Ships; Boats; Shipwrecks; Salvage; Merchant Marine; Sailors; Sailing; Submarines (Ships)
Supernatural; Superstition; Spiritualism; Clairvoyance; Mesmerism; Ghosts; Fairies; Witches; Magic; Occultism
Other Details
Printed : 25/12/1856
Journal : Household Words
Volume : Volume XIV
Magazine : 1856 Christmas
Office Book Notes
MemoStory title as in Office Book; no separate titles in HW.
Views : 1732

Title as in the Household Words Office Book (see Lohrli, p. 161); not in original text (introduced into transcript as interpolation).

The interpolated story told in 'The Supercargo's Story' is by Percy Fitzgerald. The Introduction to 'The Supercargo's Story' [the first paragraph, p. 593,] however, is part of the framework of The Wreck of the 'Golden Mary' - part, that is, of the linking and bridging sections that Dickens usually wrote himself. See notes to The Seven Poor Travellers, The Wreck of the 'Golden Mary,' [1856 Christmas] and 'The Beguilement in the Boats.'

Harry Stone; © Bloomington and Indiana University Press, 1968. DJO gratefully acknowledges permission to reproduce this material.

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