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Northern Lights

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Author James Macfarlan
Genre Poetry: Lyric i
Subjects Nature; Nature (Aesthetics); Nature in Literature; Landscapes
Religion; Religion and Culture
Weather; Meteorology; Climate; Seasons
Other Details
Printed : 2/2/1861
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume IV
Magazine : No. 93
Office Book Notes
Views : 1477

Attribution: reprinted with minor alterations in James Macfarlan, Poetical Works (Glasgow: Robert Forrester, 1882), pp. 115-16. In his introductory memoir to this edition, Macfarlan's friend and erstwhile employer Colin Rae-Brown, mentions 'Northern Lights' as one of several 'felicitous poems' to be published in AYR, 'this then popular and now recuscitated periodical, [...] and the grateful author often eloquently dwelt, with tears in his eyes, on the handsome treatment—no less gracious than generous—which he had received at the hands of one whom he designated the "Prince of Editors"' (p. vi).

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