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Black Flags in the Channel

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Author Henry T. Spicer
Genre Prose: History i
Subjects Great Britain—History
International relations; International trade; Diplomacy;
Ships; Boats; Shipwrecks; Salvage; Merchant Marine; Sailors; Sailing; Submarines (Ships)
War; Battles; Peace; Military History; Weapons; Soldiers
Other Details
Printed : 22/2/1862
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume VI
Magazine : No. 148
Office Book Notes
Views : 1719

Attribution: Kathleen Tillotson, 'Henry Spicer, Forster, and Dickens', Dickensian, 84 (1988), p. 77. Referred to in Dickens's letter to Wills of 29 January 1862 (see Letters, X, p. 26&nn.): 'As I see in Spicer's article, several cases that I know to be in the same books' that Morley had used, at Dickens's suggestion, for an article called 'The Last of the Sea-Kings', HW, III, p. 134, also concerning pirates, 'just glance back at Morley and see that there is no repetition'. The article appears to have been held back a week to allow this check to happen. The main book consulted was Captain Charles Johnson's General History of the Pirates, 2 vols (1724); Dickens's copy has several extracts on the fly leaf noted in his hand (Stonehouse, Catalogue of the Library of CD&c., p. 66; Letters, Xshi, p. 26n8.).

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