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husband, and found food for her resentment against him
in the letter of Isabella Laurie, which she held constantly
in her hand. On the 1st of October, about nine o'clock
in the evening, the relations of Mrs. Bower and Mr.
Bower's mother were assembled in the dining-room.
Mrs. Bower sent for her husband into her bed-chamber,
and then, after having reproached him with acts of
violence committed on her person, she, in a fit of
delirium, criedshowing her infant which she held in
her arms—"That baby is not yoursit is Morton's;"
and when Bower protested against that revelation, his
wife, still further excited by the resistance offered to
her, added, that on the 2nd of December, in the absence
of her husband, she had sent for Morton, who had passed
the night with her, and that she had become a mother
on the 2nd of September. "If I believed that," cried
Bower, "I would kill this infant." These words carried
Mrs. Bower's insanity to its height, and addressing her
sister, who was present, she said, "Queen of England,
drive away that man." Bower left the bed-room, and
returned to the dining-room. He was pale, and violently
agitated. Morton was sitting in the dining-room. Bower
seized a table-knife and rushed at Morton, who rose
precipitately and made for the ante-chamber, in order to
escape by the principal staircase. Bower's mother
attempted to restrain her son, and caught him by his
coat, but the coat rent, and she fell by the effort which
Bower made to disengage himself Morton, having
crossed the ante-chamber, ran down the first steps of the
stairs, when he was overtaken by Bower, who struck
him with the knife near the left ear. Morton fell never
to rise again; death was the result of a terrible
hæmorrhage, caused by the cutting of the carotid
artery. Bower was at first stupified; but, hearing that
Morton was dead, he went into his room, changed his
clothes, took some money, and taking advantage of the
commotion, he descended the back stairs, and left the
house without having been noticed. Although the
pursuit was active he was not arrested, and succeeded in
taking refuge in England. Afterwards, however, he
resolved to stand his trial; for which purpose he
returned to Paris and delivered himself up to the
authorities. The above circumstances were detailed in
the act of accusation, and established by the evidence.
Mr. Bower was interrogated by the President, and gave
his answers in a plain straightforward manner, and with
much feeling. Peculiar interest was excited by a letter
written by Morton to a friend on the day of his death,
in which he gave an account of the illness of Mrs.
Bower, and of the "devotedness" which he showed her
on that occasion, having been summoned to her bedside,
at her own request, by Mr. Bower. It was dated the
1st of October, and contained these lines:—"My dear
friend, I look around me now that I have a quarter of
an hour free, and seek for a heart like yours to which I
can confide all that fills my own. I am in the house of
a friend, with his wife, who is very ill, and I am here
on the request which he made me with tears in his eyes.
She is out of her mind, but is not so ill as to cause me
despair of her reason. This is the fourth night that I
have passed thus, and in the day also I am obliged to
remain, because she will take nothing which is not
offered by me. I cannot consequently get away a
minute. Velpeau is attending her. . . . Her husband
having allowed three days to pass away without
speaking to me of the sickness of his wife, I only learned
it at the door of the house; and when I went upstairs
I found her almost at her last moment. I sent for
Velpeau. . . " Two points seemed to tell in a certain
degree against the accusedone, the production of a
letter from Miss Isabella Laurie, of London, who had
been a mistress of the prisoner's, and which, it appears,
was found immediately after the fatal blow had been
struck, in the hand of Mrs. Bower, the wife of the
accused. The letter was addressed to that lady, and
stated that the writer would not for the future give her
any further cause of uneasiness, but would break off all
connection with her husband. This letter Mr. Bower
affirmed was written in 1847, whilst the impression of
the judge appeared to be that its date was 1850, which
would bring the prisoner's connection with the writer
much lower down in the stream of time, and give
greater cause to Mrs. Bower to be uneasy in her mind
at her husband's conduct; and the other letter was one
which he wrote immediately on his arrival at Boulogne,
in which he calls his wife "that dear angel," seeming to
imply that he did not consider her conduct blameable.
The first witnesses were Mrs. Bower's maid-servant and
the portress of the house where she lived. The former
testified to the declaration of Mrs. Bower, that the last
child which she had borne was not that of her husband,
but of Morton. The portress, who was in Mrs. Bower's
room at the time, testified to the same declaration, and
added, that she had passed letters between Mrs. Bower
and Mr. Morton, the former recommending her to
observe secrecy. Next came Mr. Crawford, an English
barrister, who had been intimate with Morton, who
deposed that he had received, two days before the death
of Morton, a note from that gentleman, requesting him
to confer with Mr. Bevan, an English barrister, relative
to the best means of obtaining a divorce for Mrs. Bower,
in order that he (Morton) might afterwards marry her.
Witness spoke to Mr. Bevan on the subject, and both
agreed that, far from encouraging so wild a scheme,
everything ought to be done to prevent its taking place,
and the more so that Bower had never expressed the
slightest wish for such a course. The matter was in
that position when, on the Friday night, Morton's
death took place. Dr. Campbell, an English physician,
deposed, "that on the night of October 1, on returning
home, he found a few lines written in English, requesting
him to call immediately at Rue de Sèze to see Mrs.
Bower. He went as directed, and found the dead body
of a man lying there. The Commissary of Police was
in the house. Witness was shown into Mrs. Bower's
room. She had her baby in her arms, and soon began
to abuse her husband, and to praise Morton. All of a
sudden the lady, after having regarded witness
steadfastly, appeared to find in him a resemblance to some
one whom she did not like, as she suddenly exclaimed,
'It is the devil: get thee behind me, Satan.' Witness
endeavoured to calm her, but she continued to abuse
him, and at last rose up and pursued him about the
room, while he endeavoured to soothe her. Her fits of
wildness continued the whole night, and it was only
about 6 o'clock in the morning that she became calm, at
which hour witness went home." An English nurse,
who was employed to attend Mrs. Bower in her illness,
testified to having been present when that lady made the
declaration to her husband, that the last born child was
not his, but Morton's, which affirmation led to the
dreadful catastrophe. This witness gave her testimony
by means of an interpreter. Drs. Bertin and Higgins
then deposed as to the state of mind of Mrs. Bower,
showing that after her confinement she had been seized
with puerperal fever, and was in a state of extreme
mental excitement. Dr. Tardieu deposed as to the
nature of the wound which caused Morton's death. It
was further proved, on behalf of Mr. Bower, that he, on
the night on which Morton was killed, had called and
inquired for Dr. Bertin, a physician, and appeared
deeply grieved at hearing that he was not at home.
Bower had left word for the doctor to go at once to the
residence of Mrs. Bower, where he said his aid was
required; and had then departed in great agitation. The
Jury, after retiring for a few minutes, returned a
verdict of Acquittal; and Mr. Bower was set at liberty.

Garotte Robberies are spreading in the provinces.
Among other cases a daring one occurred on Sunday the
2nd inst. as early as six in the evening, on the Snenton
road, about half a mile from Nottingham. A young man
named Hennett, a printer, was proceeding to the village
church, when he was forcibly dragged into a passage by
two ruffians, one of whom nearly strangled him, whilst
the other unbuttoned his clothes and took from him his
watch. The robbers then succeeded in making their

A man, named Robert Thornley, surrendered himself
to the police on the 3d inst. at Staley, near Manchester,
as having been implicated in a Murder committed more
than five years ago. The substance of his statement
was, that he had an improper intimacy with the wife of
a man named James Brooks, at Godley, near Hyde, and
that he procured her some arsenic, at her request, which
she administered to her husband in some pudding.
Brooks died suddenly, and an inquest was held on the