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From the Gazette of Jan. 30th, 1852. P. PHILLIPS, Crowland,
brewer.—J. BROCKWELL, Old Broad-street, merchant.—G.
HARRISON, Frith-street, ironmonger.—R. HAWKINS, Farnham,
grocer.—R. HAYLING the younger, Hereford, grocer.—C. WILSON,
Coventry, grocer.—D. MORTON, Walsall, chemist.—P. NEWMAN,
Winchcomb, Gloucestershire, tea-dealer.—J. W. C. BREWER,
Gloucester, victualler.—T. COTTINGHAM, West Barkwith,
Lincolnshire, wool-buyer.—G. CHADFIELD, Manchester, plasterer.

Feb. 3rd. R. SEWELL, Swaffham, scrivener.—T. ARNOLD,
Elmore, Gloucestershire, timber-dealer.—J. HALL, Cradley,
Herefordshire, farmer.—T. HARRIS, Camborne, Cornwall, grocer.
J. PADGETT, Idle, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer.—T. BYROM,
Wigan, Lancashire, grocer.

Feb. 6th. A. BOOTH, Long Acre, importer of Scotch whiskey.
L. DAVIES, Canton-street, East India-road, shipowner.—G. E.
NOONE, Shepherd's-bush Market, ironmonger.—J. C. FOSTER,
Club-row, Shoreditch, timber-merchant.—A. CROSHAW, Park-
road. Holloway, brick-maker.—D. PUGSLEY, Bread-street,
warehouseman.—W. WALKER and S. WEBB, Oxford-street,
warehousemen.—J. F. SILBY, Poole, timber-merchant.—M.
LOCKWOOD, Wandsworth, grocer.—W. GOSLING, Woolwich,
ironmonger.—W. HORTON, High-street, Islington, grocer.—
E. J. BURFORD, Berrnondsey-square, salt-merchant.—.J.MILLARD,
Reading, copper-smith.—J. HURLEY, Birmingham, linen-draper.
W. WORLEY, Smethwick, Staffordshire, victualler.—E. LOWE,
Bristol, toy-dealer.—J. FORD and J. A. HADFIELD, Glossop,
Derbyshire, paper-manufacturers.—B. HOLMES, junior, Bradford,
Yorkshire, cattle-salesman.—W. WITTY, Louth, draper.

Feb. 10th. R. BATEMAN and R. HARDWICKE, Carey-street,
printers.—E. C. FYFFE and E. W. FYFFE, Howford-buildings,
Fenchurch-street, merchants.—W. E. SPENCER, Holland-street,
Blackfriars-bridge, mustard-manufacturerJ. BARKER, Queen-
street, Stepney, wharfinger.—G. WATERHOUSE, Rupert-street,
watch-manufacturer.—R. TITCOMB, Highgate, butcher.—J.
PLUMLEY, Mitcham, clothier.—T. NUTLEY, Reading, victualler.—
S. NORCLIFFE, Brydges-street, Covent-garden, victualler.—D. J.
FIELD and B. MOLINEAUX jun., Manchester, corn-dealers.—
W. BYROM and Co., Manchester, coal-proprietors.

Feb. 13th. T. PEARMAN, Cold Harbour-road, Brixton, builder.
W. ROBERTS, Warren-street, Camden-town, builder.—G. LAW,
Harrow-road, hatter.—G. LILLYWHITE senior, Cumberland-
place, Brixton-rise, furrier.—J. JAMES, Netherton, Worcestershire,
tailor.—J. FITCHETT, Birmingham, casting-pot-maker.—
J. S. WARD, Bruton, Somersetshire, silk-throwster.—J. FEGAN,
Lincoln, draper.—W. WHITEHOUSE, trader.—M. WARREN,
Macclesfield, silk-dyer.—W. FORSTER, Great Bolton, confectioner.
J. CAILE, Whitehaven, grocer.

Feb. 17th. T. B. BARNES, Thaxted, Essex, surgeon.—W.
STEEL, Fenchurch-street, tailor.—J. MILLER, Conduit-street,
Paddington, corn-dealer.—R. KNIGHT, Plaistow, stationer.—W.
HAWKINS, Heage, Derbyshire, seedsman.—J. T. JAMES, Liverpool,
merchant.—J. A. C. REIMANN and J. G, GELLER,
Liverpool, merchants.—E. CLARK and H. BLEACKLEY, Chorlton-
upon-Medlock, ironmongers.—R. PEACOCK, Gateshead, carpenter.

Feb. 20th. S. A. KISCH, Bedford-street, Covent-garden, tailor.
W. E. HOLLAND, Portland-place, Kennington, brewer.—J.
CLARK, Willenhall, Staffordshire, bolt-manufacturer.—T.
MYRING, Walsall, bridle-cutter.—G. GREENSTOCK, Bristol,
milliner.—W. SAVAGE, Bradford, Yorkshire, druggist.—F.
INGHAM, Doncaster, grocer.—C. STEADMAN and C S. BAKEWELL,
Manchester, joiners.

Feb. 24th. R. F. LONG and R. W. LONG, Gray's Inn-place,
builders.—H. JOHNSON, York-buildings, Adelphi, coal-
merchant.—W. DENMAN, Cheam, Surrey, carpenter.—J. WRIGHT,
Chesham, Buckinghamshire, grocer.—W. HARDING, Acton,
Middlesex, miller.—W. H. RICHARDSON, B. RICHARDSON, and J.
RICHARDSON, Wordesley, Staffordshire, glass-manufacturers.—
H. COOKE, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, hatter.—W.
HARRIS, Kingston-upon-Hull, draper.—G. SHERLOCK and B.
SUTTERBY, Hulme, Lancashire, joiners.—W. CALDWELL,
Shevington, Lancashire, coal-proprietor.


Jan. 30th. W. EVANS, Banbury, ironmonger.
Feb. 17th. C. WILSON, Coventry, grocer.
Feb. 20th. W. PLATTS, Crawford-street, draper.—F. F. COBB,
Canterbury, grocer.


The history of the Money and Share Markets during the past
month has been almost a blank. Even the change of Ministry
scarcely affected the Funds. The traffic during the past half-
year on Railways having included some of the most profitable
period of the Great Exhibition, the Directors were enabled to
declare, at their recent meetings, dividends satisfactory to the

STOCKS                             Highest   Lowest  Latest  
Three per Cent. Consols 971/296 971/8
Three per Cent. Reduced98963/498
Three and a quarter per Cents.  
Long Annuities, Jan. 186071/2771/8
Bank Stock, 7 per cent.2181/2216 2181/2
India Stock261259259
Exchequer Bills, £1000645563pm
India Bonds, ?1000746973pm
Belgian 41/2per cent., 901/2Peruvian 5 per cent., 991/2
Brazilian 5 per cent., 93Portuguese 4 per cent., 331/4
Chilian 6 per cent., 105Russian 4½ per cent., 115
Danish 5 per cent., 1031/4Sardinian, 89
Dutch 4 p. c. certificates, 921/2Spanish 5 per cent., acc., 233/4
Mexican 5 per cent., 323/4
Paid.RAILWAYS.Highest.  Lowest.  Latest.  
100Brighton and South Coast951/4933/494
20Eastern Counties71/871/273/4
50Edinburgh and Glasgow282628
allGreat Northern19181/8181/8
100Great Western87843/4847/8
100Lancashire and Yorkshire67613/467
25North British71/863/463/4
25York, Newc., and Berwick173/4171/2173/4
50York and North Midland213/4211/8211/4
Boulogne and Amiens, 115/8          Paris and Orleans, 45
Dutch Rhenish, 41/4Paris and Rouen, 251/8         
East Indian, 31/8Paris and Strasbourg, 17
Namur and Liege, 65/8Rouen and Havre, 101/4
Northern France, 191/8Tours and Nantes, 855/8
Wheat, per qr., 50s.; Oats, 18s. to 21s.; Rye, 30s.; Beans,
30s. to 32s.; Peas, 31s. to 34s.; Flour per sack, 40s. to 43s.
American, per barrel of 196 lbs., 17s. 6d. to 24s.


Bacon, per cwt.—Limerick
  56s.   Belfast, 66s.

Eggs, per 120,  English, 5s.
   to 6s.
Beef, per tierce, prime mess,
  70s. to 90s.
Hams, per cwt.,—York or
  Cumberland, 66s; Irish, 40s. to
  63s.; Westphalia, 48s. to
Butter, per cwt.—Carlow, 1st,
  72s. to 82s.; Waterford, 1st,
  68s. to 74s.; Dutch Friesland,
  96s. to 108s.; Limerick
  1st, 64s. to 70s.
Mutton, per 8 lbs., 3s. 4d. to 4s.
Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 42s.
    to 66s.; Wiltshire, double,
    40s. to 54s.; Dutch, new
    Gouda, 31s. to 39s.;
    American, 42s. to 46s.
Pork, per 8 lbs., 3s.; American
  new, per barrel, 40s. to
Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
  Essex Ware, 45s. to 76s.;
  Kent and Essex Middling,
  25s. to 45s.
Cocoa, per cwt. in bond. Ord. to     
   good red Trinidad, 30s.
   to 47s.; Brazil, 24s. to
Sago, per cwt. in bond.—Pearl,
  4s. to 16s.
Coffee, per cwt. in bond.—Good
   ord., native Ceylon, 38s.
   to 73s.; Mocha, 46s. to 78s.;
   St. Domingo, 37s. to 39s.;
   Sumatra, 35s. to 36s.
Sugar, per cwt.—Jamaica, 29s.
   to 37s. 6d.; Mauritius,
   brown, 23s. to 29s. 6d.;
   Brazil, 26s. to 39s.
Rice, per cwt.—Bengal mid. to
   fine white, 9s. to 11s. 6d.;
   Madras, 8s. to 10s.
Tea, per lb. in bond.—Ord.
   Congou, 71/2d. to 1s. 6d.
   Souchong, com. to fine, 10d. to
   1s. 9d.; ord. to fine Hyson,
   10d. to 1s. 6d.; Imperial,
   1s. 3d. to 2s.
Candles, per 12 lbs. 4s. 6d. to 6s.Coals, per ton, 15s. 3d. to 15s. 9d.
Pale Seal, per 252 gals., £30. 10s.         Olive, Gallipoli, £41 to £45         
Sperm, £83 to £85Linseed, £262
Cod, £31 to £32