From the Gazette of June 28,—JOSEPH BOYCOTT, Kidderminster,
ironmongers.—WILLIAM JONES, Bristol, stationer.—JOSEPH MOORE,
Hanover Street, Islington, victualler.—MOSES WRANGLE, Boston,
Lincolnshire, cabinet-maker.
July 2.—JOHN BULL, South-Audley Street, ship-ownner.—
JAMES CORBETT, Llantillio Pertholey, Monmouthshire.—
THOMAS EDWARDS, Newport, Monmouthshire, ironfounder.—
Manchester, warehouseman.—THOMAS LUCKES, Exeter, provision
dealer.—CLEMENT NUTALL, Bacup, Lancashire, innkeeper.
—WILLIAM RIDLER, Cowlersley, Yorkshire, contractor for public
works.—EDWARD BEVAN THOMAS, Leominster,wine-merchant.
July 5.—Joseph Boycott, Kidderminister, draper.—THOMAS
BROADBENT, Halifax, Yorkshire, draper.—SARAH DAY, Coventry,
ribbon manufacturer.—GEORGE FULLER, Poultry, City,
auctioneer.—JOSEPH NASH and THOMAS NEALE, Reigate and
Dorking, Surrey, bankers.—ROBERT HARDMAN PARKINSON,
Manchester, warehouseman.—JOHN RYAN, Mark-lane, City,
and Manor-lane, Bermondsey, manufacturing chemist.—JAMES
THOMPSON, Manchester, cement and gunpowder-dealer.
July 9.—NEVILLE BROWN, Hounslow heath, licensed victualler.
LAIR, Landport, Hampshire, auctioneer.—JOHN BUDGE SPARKE,
Torquay, Devonshire, hatter.—JOHN TAYLOR, jun., Littleworth,
Gloucestershire, licensed victualler.—JOHN WALLACE, Carlisle,
grocer.—WILLIAM GEORGE DENNETT WALLIS, Grove-pl., Lisson-
grove, bill-broker.
July 12.—WILLIAM CLARIDGE, Bromley St. Leonard, Middlesex,
butcher.—CHARLES GARLICK, Charterhouse-sq., Manchester,
warehouseman.—JAMES HENRY GILL, Plumber's-row, City-rd.,
grocer.—JOHN JONES, Brynmawr, Breconshire, coal merchant.—
GEORGE WILLIAM LAW, Landport, Hants, auctioneer.—THOMAS
ROLLASON, and WILLIAM BURMAN, Birmingham, glass and china
Strand, and Thurlow-sq., Brompton, newspaper proprietor.—
SAMUEL WILKES Birmingham, clock-dial maker.—JOSHUA
WOODWARD, Loxley, Yorkshire, paper manufacturer.
July 16.—EDWARD ROBSON ARTHUR, North Shields, ship-
owner.—GEORGE COLSTON BAYLIS, Cardiff, dealer in flour.—
founders.—HENRY HART DAVIS, Battersea, Surrey, builder.—
WILLIAM DAYMENT, Christian-st., St. George's in the East,
Conduit-st. East, Paddington, carpenter.—JOHN SCORAH, Pontefract,
Yorkshire, seed-merchant.—JOHN SHARROCK, Toxteth Park,
Lancashire, licensed-victualler.—JOHN WELCH, Ashby-de-la
Zouch, Leicestershire, draper,—SAMUEL WILKES, Birmingham,
clock-dial-maker.—THOMAS WILLIAMS, Trowbridge, Wilts,
auctioneer.—WILLIAM MINTER WOOD, Dover, hosier.
July 19.—TIMOTHY BOURNE BOURNE, Liverpool, cotton-broker.
—THOMAS DYSON, Hardinge-terrace, Newington, railway-
contractor.—GILBERT FINLAY GIRDWOOD, Maida-hill, chemist.—
GEORGE SHEPHEARD, Modbury, Devonshire, linen-draper.
July 23. ROBERT DAY BUST Reading, Berkshire, auctioneer.
—WILLIAM WARD EVANS, Ludlow, Shropshire, butcher.—
EDWARD FOSTER, Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, agricultural
machinist.—RALPH HAMMOND, Macclesfield, inn-keeper.—
WILLIAM HASLAM, Hertford, chemist.-—JOHN HAYWARD, Hisland,
Shropshire, scrivener.—EDWARD ROUND and WILLIAM ROUND
Tipton, Staffordshire, timber-merchants.—RALPH NUTTALL,
Macclesfield, silk manufacturer.
July 26. THOMAS BINCKES, Brunswick-place, Blackheath,
dealer in Berlin wools.—CHARLES BUNYARD, Mark-lane, City,
seedsman.—ROBERT FAIRLEY, Sunderland, chemist.—GEORGE
GARRARD, Saxmundham, Suffolk, ironmonger.—DIRK HORATIO
HALEY, Lodge-road, Birmingham, ironfounder.—WILLIAM
RAYNHAM, Ladbrooke-road, Notting-hill, builder.
July 16. WILLIAM BRANSCOMBE, Blandford, Dorsetshire,
common carrier.
City, July 27.
The English Stock Market has been very quiet during the
month, but the tone has been very firm, and an improvement of
nearly one per cent. has been established. Our last monthly
review left Consols at 96 to 1/8 ex. div.; from this point they
moved steadily upwards till the 5th inst., when the price touched
97; but a few days after, the unsettled aspect of the question
pending between Denmark and the Duchies began to exercise
an influence on the market, causing some degree of flatness.
Prices have since rallied, however, and Consols are now quoted
96¾ to 7/8.
The Railway Share Market has not been so steady this month,
the prices of all descriptions having receded, to a greater or less
extent, from the quotations previously ruling. Within the last
three or four days, however, more firmness has been apparent,
accompanied with a decided tendency to better prices.
RAILWAYS CORN MARKET Mark Lane, July 27. PROVISIONS—LATEST WHOLESALE PRICES. GROCERY—LATEST WHOLESALE PRICES. OILS Prices During the Month Highest Lowest Latest Three per Cent. Consols, ex. div . 971/8 957/8 967/8 Three per Cent. Reduced . . 973/4 963/8 971/2 Three and a Quarter per Cents. 991/8 973/4 991/8 Long Annuities, Jan. 1860 . 83/8 83/16 81/4 Bank Stock . . . . . 2121/2 2081/2 212 India Stock . . . . 270 265 268 South Sea Stock . . . . 1073/8 1061/8 1061/4 Exchequer Bills . . . 70s.prm. 66s.prm 70s.prm. India Bonds . . . 92s.prm. 86s.prm. 90s.prm. Paid. Highest. Lowest. Latest. 100 Bristol and Exeter . . 64 63 64 50 Caledonian 77/8 67/8 71/4 20 Eastern Counties 73/8 63/4 63/4 24 Great Northern 103/8 81/ 81/8 100 Great North of England 2371/2 235 237 100 Great Western 593/4 55 57 50 Hull and Selby 97 96 961/2 100 Lancashire and Yorkshire 371/2 331/2 361/2 50 Leeds and Bradford 94 91 911/4 100 London and Brighton 84 79 811/2 100 London and North Western 1101/2 1081/4 1101/2 100 London and South Western 591/2 541/4 59 100 Midland 351/2 321/4 34 171/2 North Staffordshire 65/8 6 63/8 331/8 South Eastern 147/8 133/4 137/8 25 York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick 15 135/8 141/8 50 York and North Midland 16 137/8 151/4
The tendency of prices in this market has been decidedly
upwards, principally owing to the unsettled state of the weather
during the greater part of the month, and a large business was
transacted previous to the 12th inst. at gradually improving
rates. The tone of the market is at present very firm. The
London averages last announced are as follows:—Wheat, per quarter, 46s.7d Flour, Town made, delivered Barley, 24s.4d per sack, 36s. to 38s. Oats, 18s.5d. " American, per barrel, of Beans, 25s. 11d. 196 lbs., 20s. to 22s Peas, 27s. Bacon, per cwt.—Waterford, Hams, per cwt.—American, 44s. to 58s.; Belfast, 40s. to dried, 34s; Limerick, 64s. 42s. to 70s.; Belfast, 58s. to 64s. Beef, per 8 lbs, mid to prime, Lamb, per 8 lbs., 3s. to 4s. 2s. to 2s. 10d. Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid to prime, Butter, per cwt, Fresh 8s. to 3s. to 3s. 6d. 12s. per 12 lbs,; Carlow, 1st, Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and 66s to 68s.; Waterford, 1st Essex Shaws, 65s. to 80s.; 63s. to 66s.; Dutch Fries- Kent and Essex Regents, land, 66s. to 68s.; Leer, 56s. 60s. to 90s. to 60s. Pork, per 8 lbs., 2s to 4d. to 3s. 8d.; Cheese, per cwt.—American, American, new, per barrel, 34s. to 43s.; Dutch (Gouda) 40s. old, 32s. to 38s. Veal, per 8 lbs, 1s. 8d. to 3s. 4d. Eggs, per 120, 4s. 6d. to 7s. Cocoa, per cwt. Trinidad, 35s. Sago, per cwt., Pearl, 19s. to 24s. to 46s.; Brazil, 27s. 6d. to Sugar, per cwt., Loaves, 50s. to 28s. 6d. 51s. 6d.; good Jamaica, Coffee.—Good ord., Native Cey- 37s. 6d. to 38s. 6d.; Brazil lon, per cwt., 43s. to 43s. 6d. 31s. to 42s. good ord. West India, 37s. Tea, per 1 lb. (duty 2s. 1d.). ord. to 40s.; Fine Mocha, 65s. Congon, 10½d.; Souchong, to 72s. com, to fine, 11d. to 2s. 8d. Rice, per cwt., Bengal white, ord to fine Hyson, 1s. 2d. 9s. to 12s.; Java, 11s. to to 3s. 6d.; Imperial, 1s. 2d. 12s. 6d. to 2s. 6d. Candles, per 12 lbs. 4s. 6d. to 5s. Coals, per ton, 13s. to 16s. 6d. Pale Seal, per ton, £32 Palm, £28 to £29. Sperm, £84. to £85. Olive Gallipoli, £43 to £44. Cod, £35.
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