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Malaga, but would not go below, and sat erect
and grand in his cocked hat and gold-laced
coat, and kept his post in an arm-chair on his
quarter-deck till he saw the shattered sails of
the enemy fade back into the smoke. Then
he arose, smiled, and fell dead. There is a
monument to this resolute old warrior in the
chequered flint-work church of Saint Margaret.
The same church contains monuments of old
"Crib" Potter (bless him!), of John Tanner,
who edited the Monasticon of his learned and
ponderous brother, the Bishop of St. Asaph; of
Lord Chief Justice Holt; and of poor heretical
Whiston, the heterodox Holborn rector and the
suspected professor of mathematics at
Cambridge. Whiston was vicar here from 1698 to
1702. Swift wrote terrible verses upon him,
and held him up to the most scathing ridicule,
but he really seems to have been only a clever,
eccentric, wrong-headed enthusiast, always
doing odd and mistaken things.

But the greatest event of which Lowestoft
ever was a witness was the great pounding
match between the English and Dutch fleets
in June, 1665. The Duke of York, Rupert,
the Earl of Sandwich, Penn, Ayscough, and
Lawson led our grand fleet of one hundred
and fourteen ships of war, not including fire-
ships and ketches. The Dutch had only one
hundred sail; but then they were led by Opdam
and Van Tromp, and their presence was worth
twenty frigates. We lost only one vessel.
The Dutch, bleeding and beaten, hauled off
eventually to the Texel, with a loss of eighteen
ships taken and fourteen burnt or sunk. It
was a glorious victory; Pepys, proud of his
patron, the Earl of Sandwich, says the Dutch
neglected the opportunity of the wind, and so
lost the benefit of their fire-ships. It was
very hot in the duke's ship, the Royal Charles,
where one and the same shot killed the Earl of
Falmouth, Muskerry, and Sir Richard Boyle
(the Earl of Burlington's second son). It was
reported that Mr. Boyle's head struck down
the duke, who was covered with his blood and
brains. We lost about seven hundred men,
the Dutch eight thousand. At this very time
the Plague had just broken out in London,
and, indeed, only the day before the entry of
this victory, Pepys says:

"The hottest day that ever I felt in my life.
This day, much against my will, I did in Drury-
lane see two or three houses marked with a red
cross upon the doors, and 'Lord have mercy
upon us' writ there, in which was a sad sight
to me, being the first of the kind that, to my
remembrance, I ever saw."

The Lowestoft two-masted luggers are
famous in the North Sea. The town boasts
some twenty-five luggers and fifty "half-and-
half " boats. In 1802 the Lowestoft men
caught thirty thousand mackerel; in 1853 seven
hundred and fifty thousand in only ten weeks.
They were valued at ten thousand pounds. It
is calculated that the nets of the Lowestoft
and Yarmouth fishermen, if placed in a straight
line, would reach two hundred miles. The
herring fishery commences on this east coast
a fortnight before Michaelmas, and it lasts to

The prosperity of Lowestoft commenced in
1827, when Mr. Cubitt began operations to
form Lake Lothing, with its one hundred and
sixty acres to the south-west, into an inner
harbour and part of a ship canal to Norwich.
Before that, a rampart of sand had formed
between Lake Lothing and the sea, and at
times the lowlands used to be flooded, and the
bridge at Mutford, two miles from the coast,
to be carried away by the spring tides. In
1831 the works were completed at a cost of
eighty-seven thousand pounds, and the river
Waveney re-wedded to the sea. Government
took possession of the harbour in 1842, in
default of the liquidation of advances made for the
works, and in 1844 it was sold to Mr. Peto.

The inner harbour, two miles long with three
thousand feet of wharfage, will accommodate
vessels of four hundred tons, and those which
draw fifteen feet at any time of the tide. The
railway was opened in 1847. The south pier
is one thousand three hundred feet long. The
north pier, devoted chiefly to the Danish cattle
trade, has often sheltered five hundred sail.
The dry dock cost ten thousand pounds. In
1845 there were only four hundred and ten
vessels frequenting Lowestoft; in 1851 one
thousand six hundred and thirty-six vessels of
one hundred and thirty-three thousand nine
hundred and fourteen tons entered the harbour.
The town now boasts one thousand six
hundred houses and a population of more than six
thousand seven hundred and eighty-one
persons. The herring curing-houses are on the
Denes, the sands at the foot of the cliffs. In
the north and south roads seven hundred sail
are sometimes seen at anchor, sheltered by the
Corton and Newcome sand-banks; the
lighthouse for the chief channel is movable. A
gong sounds on the Stanford sand floating-light
during fogs.



"MUST it be always thus?" I woke and wept,
For in my dream a horror o'er me crept.
Methought I wandered through a dreary maze
Of alleys foul, and dim and darkened ways,
And all the faces as they passed me by,
Pale men and women, age and infancy,
Hurried along amid a dismal din,
Wearing an aspect dark of care and sin;
While through the doleful night from sunset to sunrise
Rose curses, women's groans, and children's cries.
Again I dreamed, and in my troubled sleep
I heard a voice that whispered, "Cease to weep;
A change is passing o'er this suff'ring throng,
There shall be light and gladness, prayer and song;
Mark well the vision!" Sudden, as in air,
Arose a princely pile on pillars fair,
And through the open gate and arches wide,
The crowd pressed in from morn to eventide:
And in the pauses of the vision came
Loud benedictions on a woman's name.

* * * *

But when the dream had ended, all in vain I sought
To bring that gentle name before my waking thought.