Dixon, Edmund Saul l The Revd. J. Dixon, Dixon, E. S. Dixon l, 1809-1893, divine, misc. writer. Born in Norwich. B.A. Cambridge, 1831; M.A. 1834. Ordained deacon, 1832; priest, 1833 (Alumni Cantab.). Rector of Intwood with Keswick, Norfolk, 1842 to his death; resided some time at Guînes, Pas-de-Calais, where he died. Contributed to Gardeners' Chronicle, Bell's Weekly Messenger, Quart. Rev., Titan, Cornhill, and other periodicals. Author of Ornamental and Domestic Poultry, 1848; The Dovecote and the Aviary, 1851; Pigeons and Rabbits, 1854; Flax and Hemp, 1854; The Kitchen Garden, 1855; The Flower Garden, 1856; the first two books under his own name, the others under pseudonym "E. Sebastian Delamer" or "Eugene Sebastian Delamer", joint author, with his wife, of Wholesome Fare, or The Doctor and the Cook "By Edmund S. and EIlen J. Delamere," 1868.