Let it Pass!
1) Advertisement for a New Work by Charles Dickens to be published by Chapman and Hall. 2) Advertisement for the Tenth Volume of All the Year Round. 3) Advertisement for the Commencement of 'Quite Alone' by George Augustus Sala in All the Year Round.
How Mrs. Lirriper Carried on the Business
How the First Floor Went to Crowley Castle
How the Side-Room was Attended by a Doctor
How the Second Floor Kept a Dog
How the Third Floor Knew the Potteries
How the Best Attic was Under a Cloud
How the Parlours Added a Few Words
Quite Alone [i]
Suggestions from a Maniac
The Labours of Thor: Being A Norse Legend From The Prose Edda
Attribution: Reprinted in Walter Thornbury, Historical and Legendary Ballads and Songs (London: Chatto and Windus, 1876).
The Sensational Williams
Chinese Kites
Based partially on a work by Sir John Davis on China. Davis published several works on China including: The Chinese: A General Description of China and Its Inhabitants (1826); Sketches of China; Partly During an Inland Journey of Four Months, between Peking, Nanking, and Canton; with Notices and Observations Relative to the Present War (1841); China During the War and Since the Peace (1852).
The Story of the Guns
Review of Sir James Emerson Tennent, The Story of the Guns (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1864).
1) Advertisement for a New Work by Charles Dickens in Twenty Monthly Parts. 2) Advertisement for the Tenth Volume of All the Year Round.