Underground London [v]
On the Civil War Now Raging in England
Sea-Side Lodgers
The Last of the Lewises
A Strange Story [iii]
Great Salt Lake
Easy Boots
Sky Pictures in Sicily
Among the Arabs
Based in part on Antoine Gandon, ReÌcits du Brigadier Flageolet: Souvenirs Intimes d'un Vieux Chasseur d'Afrique (Paris, 1859).
Rifle Practice with St. Ives
A Fair on the Ganges
The Birds' Petition
1) Advertisement for the continuation of 'A Strange Story'. 2) Advertisement for the Second Volume of Great Expectations.
A Strange Story [iv]
Pastors and Maters
On the Tight Rope
The author may be Eliza Lynn Linton – the attribution is unconfirmed.
Happy as a Princess
The Hundred and First Regiment