Great Expectations [xxiii]
Grand Godard
Based on Antoine Gandon, Le Grand Godard; Histoire D'Un Homme Fort (Paris: 1861).
Drift: A Tragedy of Old London Bridge
American "Sensations"
Cross Roads
DJO attribution: poem reprinted in The Poetical Works of James Macfarlan (Glasgow: Robert Forrester, [1881] 1882), pp. 119-20.
On Tails
Wandering Words
Great Expectations [xxiv]
Music Among the Japanese
Something New
A Dialogue Concerning Convicts
Cattle Farmers in the Pampas
The Caldron of Oil
Great Expectations [xxv]
The Treasures of the Earth: In Two Chapters [i]
Wild Oats from Scotland
Based in part on Robert Pitcairn, Ancient Criminal Trials in Scotland, compiled from the original records and mss., with historical notes and illustrations (Edinburgh : Printed for the Bannatyne Club, 1829-1833).
Northern Dog and Southern Cat
Count Abel
A Will of His Own