The Lament of Kephalos
At the Great Reformatory Exhibition
A Fat Little Book
Based in part on Otto Melander, Locorum atque seriorum, tum nouorum, tum selectorum, atque memorabilium, centuriæ aliquot, iucundæ, vtiles, lectuque maximopere dignæ (Frankfurt: E libraria Palthenii officina, 1603).
Pull Devil, Pull Baker
Red Jim
Half a Million of Money [ix]
"The Bank of Patagonia" (Limited)
Reprinted in Meason's The Bubbles of Finance: Joint-Stock Companies, Promoting of Companies, Modern Commerce, Money Lending and Life Insuring by a City Man (London: Sampson Low, 1865).
My Two Derbies
A Wish and a Warning
Old Blues Adrift
Patty's Tea-Parties
Attribtution to smith (i.e. 'Hesba Stretton') in the 'Pilgrim' edition of The Letters of Charles Dickens vol. 11, p. 62&n.
Half A Million Of Money [x]
Aboard A "Banker"
At the Opening of the Royal Dramatic College
The Staffordshire Renaissance
Based in part on Eliza Meteyard, The Life of Josiah Wedgwood: From his Private Correspondence and Family Papers ... with an Introductory Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1865).
Wine against Physic
An Unpatented Ghost
Attribution: Kathleen Tillotson, 'Henry Spicer, Forster, and Dickens' Dickensian 84 (1988), p. 77. Article reprinted in Spicer's Bound to Please 2 vols (1867).