Retitled 'Nurse's Stories' in collected editions of the series
The present item appears to hark back to Dickens's remarks on the psychology of young children in ['The Uncommercial Traveller [vi]', ATYR, Vol. II, 7 April 1860; retitled 'Travelling Abroad' in collected editions of the series], but it also acts as a companion piece to 'Dullborough Town' ('The Uncommercial Traveller [xi]', ATYR, Vol. III, 30 June 1860; retitled 'Dullborough Town' in collected editions of the series): both pieces were indexed in Vol. III of ATYR under 'Childhood Associations', and in para. 5 the narrator refers to 'revisiting the associations of my childhood as recorded in previous pages of these notes.' In the preceding paragraphs, however, 'revisiting' is taken by analogy to mean the process of re-reading books of voyage and travel, of which Dickens was passionately fond, and in general, of re-reading children's classics such as Robinson Crusoe.