Laurence Sterne
Based on Percy Fitzgerald's The Life of Laurence Sterne, 2 vols (London: Chapman and Hall, 1864).
Saxon Hair-Doctors
Through the Blockade
Quite Alone [xxii]
Silk-Spinning Spiders
To Parents
Norwegian Sociability
Story of the Stone-Eyes
Attribution: Kathleen Tillotson, 'Henry Spicer, Forster, and Dickens' Dickensian 84 (1988), p. 77. Article repr. in Brought to Book 2 vols (London, 1870).
Quite Alone [xxiii]
The Poor Man His Own Master
Aunt Bella [ii]
See also 'Godpapa Vance', All the Year Round, XI, No. 264 and 'Staddon Farm', All the Year Round, XII, No. 296.
A Dirge
Attribution: reprinted in William James Linton, Claribel, and Other Poems (London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1865) as 'Gone'.
The Girls They Leave Behind Them
Too Late for Copenhagen
Quite Alone [xxiv]
Britannia's Head for Figures
Our Little Friends
Based in part upon Thomas Lamb Phipson, Utilisation of Minute Life, Being Practical Studies on Insects, Crustacea, Mollusca, Worms, Polypes, Infusoria and Sponges (London: Groombridge and Sons, 1864).