Disputed Identity
Chip: Millionnaires and Measures
Reply to a reader concerning 'Decimal Money' (HW, XII, No. 294) and 'Decimal Measures' (HW, XII, No. 295).
An English Wife
The Cruise of the Tomtit
Reference to this article made in The Letters of Charles Dickens, ed. by Graham Storey, Kathleen Tillotston and others, Pilgrim Edition, 12 vols (1965-2002), VII, p. 763.
Joseph Hunter, Collections concerning the Church or Congregation of Protestant Separatists Formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire, in the Time of King James I: the founders of New-Plymouth, the parent-colony of New-England (London: J.R. Smith, 1854).
The Roving Englishman: Down the Danube [lvii]
1) Advertisement for the Extra Christmas Number of Household Words. 2) Advertisement for the Discontinuation of the Publication of the Household Narrative of Current Events.